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VHS-Walk Haltern am See
von VHS Duelmen

Lizenz: Eigenes Bild/Video
Urheber: Autor/-in des PARCOURS

Hello and welcome to this parcours. This VHS-Walk will take you through the town of Haltern and a little to the side. This town is called "Haltern at the lake", so you will also visit the lake. This parcours is made in English, because we want to give you at least two tasks at the same time: Learn about Haltern and practice your English. Now, just start your tour and have fun ! ;)

Start-Anleitung herunterladen
VHS, Politik und Geschichte, Geografie
Sekundarstufe 2
ca. 90 Minuten
ca. 3.7 Kilometer
1 Station
4 Informationen
11 Fragen
21 Locations